Hedge Fund
Strategies to diversify your investment
An alternative strategy to enhance returns, generate income and diversify your portfolio
Fund Name | Fund Classification | Time Horizon | Fund Manager | FFS | ||
Amplify SCI* Real Income Retail Hedge Fund |
Retail Hedge Fund – Worldwide Multi-Strategy |
Cautious |
Marble Rock Asset Managers |
Amplify SCI* Diversified Income Retail Hedge Fund |
Retail Hedge Fund – South African Fixed Income |
Moderate Aggressive |
Terebinth Capital |
Amplify SCI* Absolute Income Retail Hedge Fund |
Retail Hedge Fund – South African Fixed Income |
Cautious Moderate |
Acumen Capital |
Amplify SCI* Stable Income Retail Hedge Fund |
Retail Hedge Fund – South African Fixed Income |
Moderate |
Ninety One |
Amplify SCI* Income Plus Retail Hedge Fund |
Retail Hedge Fund – South African Fixed Income |
Aggressive |
Matrix Fund Managers |
Amplify SCI* Enhanced Equity Retail Hedge Fund |
Retail Hedge Fund – South Africa Long Short Neutral |
Cautious to moderate |
All Weather Capital |
Amplify SCI* Property Retail Hedge Fund |
Retail Hedge Fund – South African Long Short – Variable-bias long/short equity Hedge Fund |
Moderate |
Catalyst Fund Managers |
Amplify SCI* Managed Equity Retail Hedge Fund |
Retail Hedge Fund – South Africa Long Short Long Bias |
Aggressive |
Oyster Catcher Investments |
Amplify SCI* Active Equity Retail Hedge Fund |
Retail Hedge Fund – South African Long/Short Equity Long Bias |
Moderate Aggressive |
AG Capital |
Amplify SCI* Real Income Retail Hedge Fund
Fund Classification
Retail Hedge Fund – Worldwide Multi-Strategy
Risk Profile
Amplify SCI* Diversified Income Retail Hedge Fund
Fund Classification
Retail Hedge Fund – South African Fixed Income
Risk Profile
Moderate Aggressive
Amplify SCI* Absolute Income Retail Hedge Fund
Fund Classification
Retail Hedge Fund – South African Fixed Income
Risk Profile
Cautious Moderate
Amplify SCI* Stable Income Retail Hedge Fund
Fund Classification
Retail Hedge Fund – South African Fixed Income
Risk Profile
Amplify SCI* Income Plus Retail Hedge Fund
Fund Classification
Retail Hedge Fund – South African Fixed Income
Risk Profile
Amplify SCI* Enhanced Equity Retail Hedge Fund
Fund Classification
Retail Hedge Fund – South Africa Long Short Neutral
Risk Profile
Cautious to moderate
Amplify SCI* Property Retail Hedge Fund
Fund Classification
Retail Hedge Fund – South African Long Short – Variable-bias long/short equity Hedge Fund
Risk Profile
Amplify SCI* Managed Equity Retail Hedge Fund
Fund Classification
Retail Hedge Fund – South Africa Long Short Long Bias
Risk Profile
Amplify SCI* Active Equity Retail Hedge Fund
Fund Classification
Retail Hedge Fund – South African Long/Short Equity Long Bias
Risk Profile
Moderate Aggressive